Friday, November 20, 2009

Interview Mag's 40th Birthday

One of our favorite magazines, Interview, celebrated its 40th anniversary last night at Indochrine in NYC.  The crowd was as trendsetting as possible, including a few of the ones we love (Daphne Guiness and Mary Kate Olsen).  The talk ranged from Warhol himself, to occurences at Studio 54.  Guests recalled some favorite moments there, which made us wish we could go back and be a fly on the wall in that place. Or maybe not...

Kristin Stewart graces the cover of their 40th anniversary issue, and we have to say, that the spread on her is completely flawless.  We know their are alot of Kristin Stewart haters out her, but we have been drawn to her since way before all of the Twilight hoopla.  We think she was a perfect pick for such an important issue of the mag.

To celebrate their 40th, Interview has put some amazingly interesting pictures on their homepage, chronicling what they call  "four decades of glamour, decadence, beauty, bombast, andstar-tripping, scene-making,world-changing bacchanalia."  Check it out.

Happy anniversary Interview! What would we do without you?

1 comment:

Dee said...

UGH! seriously you guys like Kristen Stewart?? she is trashhhhh